
SuperGIS Mobile Engine Application to Public Lighting Management

SuperGeo cooperated with our Brazilian reseller, ENGESAT team, to assist Engeluz in optimizing public lighting facility management. Engeluz is an electrical engineering company, mainly providing local governments with the services and solutions to maintain and preserve the governmental properties.

Not only developing the public lighting management plan and a mobile GIS system with GPS function, Engeluz also offers the methods to monitor and conserve the Public Lighting System for improving the management efficiency of public lighting facilities.

In this project, the mobile GIS application plays an important role in helping the local government recognize the locations of the public lights and the electric energy consumption, carrying out the system maintenance, and optimizing the material and resource usage.

To establish a mobile GIS system to meet the governmental requirements, ENGESAT team supports Engeluz to adopt SuperGIS Mobile Engine 3 and develop Engeluz SGIP-Mobile application with camera and basic GIS manipulation functions, which enable surveyors and administrators to collect field data through the handheld devices such as PDA to fulfill any GIS tasks.

Featuring highly flexible development structure, over 100 out-of-the-box toolbar buttons, and rich development sample instructions, SuperGIS Mobile Engine 3 is a mobile GIS SDK that can assist developers in developing intuitive mobile GIS applications and deploying the customized applications to a variety of mobile devices.

For more information about the application story, please visit http://www.supergeotek.com/Library_2_201207.aspx

More product information about SuperGIS Mobile Engine 3, please visit http://www.supergeotek.com/ProductPage_SGME3.aspx

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Any mobile sites where u can submit job applications? Just wondering if theres a search engine or something similar that is a mobile site for submitting job applications.

    Mobile Application Development
